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Session Establishment and Data Exchange

This example walks through the following scenarios:

  • Create Client(s)
  • Wait for Session request
  • Dial Session
  • Send/ Recieve data after session establishment
  • Teardown the clients

Setup Client(s)#

Create clients and configure them.

final Identity identityA = new Identity("Client A", Wallet.createNew());final Identity identityB = new Identity("Client B", Wallet.createNew());
final NKNClient clientA = new NKNClient(identityA);try {    clientA.start();} catch (NKNClientException e) {    LOG.error("Client failed to start:", e);    return;}
final NKNClient clientB = new NKNClient(identityB);clientB.sessionProtocol().setIncomingPreferredMulticlients(2);try {        clientB.start();} catch (NKNClientException e) {    LOG.error("Client failed to start", e);    return;}

Wait for Session Establishment and Post Process#

Wait for session request and once session is established post process the incoming data in a separate daemon thread.

try {    clientB.sessionProtocol().onSessionRequest(sB -> {        sB.onSessionEstablished(() -> {            Thread t = new Thread(() -> {                InputStream bIs = sB.getInputStream();                try {
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 1024];                    int redtotal = 0;                    int red =;                    int lastMb = 0;                    long thisTime, lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis();                    while (red != -1) {                        if (red > 0) {                            redtotal += red;                            if (redtotal / 1024 / 1024 > lastMb) {                                lastMb = redtotal / 1024 / 1024;                                thisTime = System.currentTimeMillis();                                // +1 to avoid division by zero, in case there is more than buffer.length data to be read                                System.out.println("Streamed to me: " + lastMb + " MB (" + (1024 * 1000 / (thisTime - lastTime + 1)) + "kB/s)");                                lastTime = thisTime;                            }                        } else {                            Thread.sleep(500);                        }                        red =;                    }
          "All data has been received, session closed");
                } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {                    LOG.error("IOException thrown when sending data");                }            }, "SessionExample-InputStreamThread");            t.setDaemon(true);            t.start();        });        sB.onSessionBrokenTunnel(() -> {            LOG.warn("Session tunnel broke");        });        return true;    });

Dial Session and Send Data#

Dial a session to the other client and start sending data once the session has been established.

Session sA = clientA.sessionProtocol().dialSession(identityB.getFullIdentifier());"Session dialed");
sA.onSessionEstablished(() -> {    Thread t = new Thread(() -> {        SessionOutputStream aOs = sA.getOutputStream();        try {            int sendData = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10M            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 1024];            while (sendData > 0) {                aOs.write(buffer);                sendData -= buffer.length;                System.out.println("Remaining to send " + sendData + " B");            }
            aOs.flush();            LOG.debug("Flushing some data, session A -> session B");
            // Wait until the other side acknowledges receiving everything TODO or timeout            while (aOs.getUnconfirmedSentBytesCount() > 0) {                try {                    Thread.sleep(300);                } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}            }
  "Everything was sent and read, closing");
        } catch (IOException e) {            LOG.error("IOException thrown when sending data");        }
    }, "SessionExample-OutputStreamThread");    t.setDaemon(true);    t.start();});sA.onSessionBrokenTunnel(() -> {    LOG.warn("Session tunnel broke");});
} catch (NKNClientException e) {LOG.error("Session dial failed");}

Close the clients#

Close the clients once the data has been transferred.

System.out.println("150s passed, closing clients!");clientA.close();clientB.close();