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Message functionality is wrapped in the SimpleMessagesProtocol object. It provides methods to send and receive messages of different types. It also provides overrides for their Multicast couterparts. Last but not the least, there are methods available to Publish messages on topics and send them to all subscribers.

The following types of messages are supported:

  • Text
  • Binary
    • Byte Array
    • ByteString (protobuf)
  • Object
  • Ack

Receiving Messages#

The following options are available for receiving messages

Message Listener#

Set a message listener which accepts a consumer which is called when a new message is received.

client.simpleMessagesProtocol().onNewMessage(receivedMessage -> {    if (receivedMessage.isText) {        System.out.println("New text message from " + receivedMessage.from);        System.out.println(receivedMessage.textData);    } else if (receivedMessage.isBinary) {        System.out.println("New binary message from " + receivedMessage.from);        System.out.println(Hex.toHexString(receivedMessage.binaryData.toByteArray()).toUpperCase());    }});

Message Listener With Reply#

In order to send a reply corresponding to an incoming message, use the onNewMessageWithReply method. This method expects a function with input as a ReceivedMessage and output as an Object

client.simpleMessagesProtocol().onNewMessageWithReply(receivedMessage -> {    if (receivedMessage.isText) {        System.out.println("New text message from " + receivedMessage.from);        System.out.println(receivedMessage.textData);    } else if (receivedMessage.isBinary) {        System.out.println("New binary message from " + receivedMessage.from);        System.out.println(Hex.toHexString(receivedMessage.binaryData.toByteArray()).toUpperCase());    }    return "Reply message";});

Sending Messages#

There are many overloaded methods available for sending messages. Each option has a text and binary counterpart available.

Send Text#

The sendTextAsync method and its overloaded counterparts can be used to send text messages asynchronously across the network.

Identity identity = new Identity("server", Wallet.createNew());
NKNClient nknClient = new NKNClient(identity);nknClient.start();
CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage> promise = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().sendTextAsync(identity.getFullIdentifier(), "Hello there!");
promise.whenComplete((response, error) -> {    if (error == null) {        System.out.println("Response ==> " + response.textData);    } else {        error.printStackTrace();    }});

Send Binary#

Similar to its send text cousin, the sendBinaryAsync method and its overloaded counterparts can be used to send binary messages across the network.

Identity identity = new Identity("server", Wallet.createNew());
NKNClient nknClient = new NKNClient(identity);nknClient.start();
CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage> promise = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().sendBinaryAsync(identity.getFullIdentifier(), "Hello there!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
promise.whenComplete((response, error) -> {    if (error == null) {        System.out.println("Response ==> " + response.textData);    } else {        error.printStackTrace();    }});

The sendBinaryAsync method also accepts ByteString as an argument instead of the byte[].

Send Object#

Send any java object across the wire using the sendAsync method

Identity identity = new Identity("server", Wallet.createNew());
NKNClient nknClient = new NKNClient(identity);nknClient.start();
CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage> promise = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().sendAsync(identity.getFullIdentifier(), null, new Object());
promise.whenComplete((response, error) -> {    if (error == null) {        System.out.println("Response ==> " + response.textData);    } else {        error.printStackTrace();    }});

Send Multicast Text#

The sendTextMulticastAsync can be used to send a multicast text message across the network. This method is similar to sendTextAsync but accepts an array of destination identifiers instead.

List<CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage>> promises = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().sendTextMulticastAsync(new String[] {identity.getFullIdentifier()}, "Hello to everyone!!");
promises.forEach(p -> p.whenComplete((response, error) -> {    if (error == null) {        System.out.println("Response from " + response.from);    } else {        System.out.println("Error: " + error.toString());    }}));

Send Multicast Binary#

The sendMulticastBinaryAsync method can be used to send a multicast binary message across the network.

List<CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage>> promises = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().sendBinaryMulticastAsync(new String[] {identity.getFullIdentifier()}, "Hello to everyone!!".getBytes());
promises.forEach(p -> p.whenComplete((response, error) -> {    if (error == null) {        System.out.println("Response from " + response.from);    } else {        System.out.println("Error: " + error.toString());    }}));

Send Multicast Object#

The sendMulticastAsync method can be used to send a multicast object message across the network.

List<CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage>> promises = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().sendBinaryMulticastAsync(new String[] {identity.getFullIdentifier()}, new Object());
promises.forEach(p -> p.whenComplete((response, error) -> {    if (error == null) {        System.out.println("Response from " + response.from);    } else {        System.out.println("Error: " + error.toString());    }}));

Publish Text#

Publish a text message to all subscribers of a topic using the publishTextAsync method.

List<CompletableFuture<SimpleMessagesProtocol.ReceivedMessage>> promises = nknClient.simpleMessagesProtocol().publishTextAsync("topicNAme", false, "Hello Subscribers!!");

The publishBinaryAsync method is the binary counterpart for publishing binary and byteString message types to a topic.


Toggle Auto Ack#

Stop sending automatic ack messages. An Ack message does not have any data. It is only used to inform a sender of the message that the receiving party has received the message successfully.
