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This API provides convinience mathods to interact with the NKN Wallet, which is a combination of private and public keys. It provides functionality to create, store, load ans transact with the wallet.

Create Wallet#

The wallet can be created in multiple ways.

Create a new wallet#

Create a new wallet from a new seed. This method will create a new seed and create a new private/public key pair.

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();

Create from existing seed#

Create a wallet object from an existing seed. The seed can be provided either in hex format for string format.

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createFromSeed("697f3a8d50dbcede9c39730ed90e5a8109a56153b6b7fdc18d475aedc048ef44");

Never share the seed with anyone and keep it safe. This secret seed can be used to retrieve your wallet.

Save Wallet#

The wallet information can be stored on a file either local or on network.

Local File#

The save method creates a password protected local file and stores the keys.

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();try { File("wallet.json"), "secretPassword");} catch (WalletException exp){    System.out.println("Exception while saving wallet information: " + exp.getMessage());}

Output Stream#

The save method also accepts and OutputStream object to send the wallet informtion across the network.

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();try {    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("wallet.json"));, "secretPassword");} catch (Exception exp){    System.out.println("Exception while saving wallet information: " + exp.getMessage());}

Replace the FileOutputStream with any other output stream to write the information across network.

Load Wallet#

Converse to saving, the wallet can be loaded from the local file system or any other input stream.

Local File#

Load the existing wallet from a local file by providing the file object corresponding to local file and the password used while saving it.

try {    Wallet wallet = Wallet.load(new File("wallet.json"), "secretPassword");    System.out.println(wallet.getAddress());} catch (WalletException e) {    System.out.println("Exception while restoring wallet from the wallet file");}

Input Stream#

Similar to its save counterpart, the load method also accepts an input stream to load the wallet from anywhere as long as the stream is valid.

try {    FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("wallet.json"));    Wallet wallet = Wallet.load(fileInputStream, "secretPassword");    System.out.println(wallet.getAddress());} catch (Exception e) {    System.out.println("Exception while restoring wallet from the wallet file");}


Create Transaction#

Wallet API provides an instance of NKNTransaction wrapped around the wallet address. This NKNTransaction instance can be used to execute business transactions.

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();NKNTransaction nknTransaction = wallet.tx();

The following predefined transactions are possible using the NKNTransaction object:

  • deleteName
  • registerName
  • subscribe
  • transferTo
  • unsubscribe

In case the requirement does not fit into these predefined transactions, the user can also use customTransaction method to submit a transaction customized for his own needs.

Get Balancce#

Users can query the wallet for its balance.

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();try {    System.out.println(wallet.queryBalance());} catch (NKNExplorerException e) {    e.printStackTrace();}

The wallet is dependent on the NKN Explorer to get it's balance. More about this in the Explorer section.


Wallet also provides methods to access the its metadata


Get the NKN address associated with the wallet

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();System.out.println(wallet.getAddress());

Public Key#

Get the public key associted with the wallet.

import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();System.out.println(Hex.toHexString(wallet.getPublicKey()));

Program Hash#

Get the program hash from the public key of the wallet.

import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();System.out.println(Hex.toHexString(wallet.getProgramHash().toByteArray()));

Contract Data#

Get stringified contract data

Wallet wallet = Wallet.createNew();System.out.println(wallet.getContractDataAsString());